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why support fce?

There are many tangible benefits for US companies who donate to Friends of Canadian Education. For example:

  1. FCE provides recognition and exposure to Loran graduates who exhibit the skills needed by organizations that wish to recruit future leaders from undergraduate institutions in Canada. The Loran alumni body constitutes an outstanding talent pool for recruitment. Loran graduates have worked at many highly selective companies and multilateral organizations, such as Bain & Company, Goldman Sachs and The World Bank. Loran graduates have a strong track record of success – in fact 24% of those chosen as Loran National Award winners (1990-2000) were nominated for the Rhodes, including nine Rhodes Scholars. The foundation’s beneficiaries have had similar success with other independently adjudicated postgraduate awards such as the British Chevening, the Baxter and the Ontario Graduate Scholarship.
  2. FCE is an excellent vehicle to demonstrate corporate social responsibility in the Canadian marketplace.
  3. Loran and other similar programs put pressure on high schools to emphasize well-rounded education that fosters leadership and broad achievement of goals rather than a narrow academic ones. All students in Canada and their eventual employers benefit when education reflects the needs of the community and of the global economy.
  4. The Loran Award is a program that maintains a high profile across Canada. Its application and nomination materials are distributed to every high school and cegep in the country.
  5. Loran Scholars Foundation provides more than cash to its scholars: it connects leaders who in turn influence each other, and those leaders have had global impact. 12% of graduates currently are based in the US, and a further 9% are based globally. The remainder are making contributions in Canada, although many of them are in careers with influence far beyond the country’s national borders.
  6. The highly diverse Loran alumni are leaders in business, education, healthcare, public policy, industry, technology and culture.